

原標題:出境遊學,隻遊不學真急人(視窗·教育消費新透視) 伴隨留學熱和海外遊升溫,讓孩子趁著暑假出國遊學,借以熏陶世界文化、開闊個人眼界,已成為不少家庭的選擇。“美國常青藤名校遊學營”“英國頂尖貴族公學暑期拓展”“澳洲暑假親子夏令營”……假期遊學的觸…


子曰:“君子无所争。必也射乎!揖让而升,下而饮。其争也君子。” 子曰:“君子无所争。必也射乎!揖让而升,下而饮。其争也君子。” 育孩子的英語選擇迪士尼美語 好唔好?只需要通過過程就知道有沒有效果 [译文]孔子说:“君子没有什么可争的,要是争的话,那必定…


“乌鸟私情,愿乞终养。”西晋李密《陈情表》中的这句名言,千百年来拨动无数读者的心弦。羊羔跪乳、乌鸦反哺,懂得感恩父母亲人,才有了回报和孝顺,才有了传统的孝文化。 小朋友需要愉快多元的學習環境,所以家長在選擇兒童英文故事書時亦以吸引孩子注意為目…



The tea horse ancient road from here

Starting from Chengdu, through into the high speed, more than two hours, we arrived in Ya'an. Most Chinese understanding of Ya'an's 7 earthquake occurred in Ya'an in April 20, 2013. Lushan central area and Baoxing, Tianquan County suffered…

Read his

Always think of myself as a savvy lag, a post up, therefore I once doubted their intelligence. Compared to those early teens can read "a dream of Red Mansions", at the age of twenty as the only book, I was deeply their own ignorance and sm…

Failed back

Psychologists have done an interesting experiment: people in the little needle threading, At this time, the more you engrossed, your hands shake more powerful line less likely to penetrate. In the medical profession, a phenomenon known as …

searched through writing forums

For years I've wanted to know to do this; I've searched through writing forums, read books, and queried, queried, queried! For a nineteen year old with no Freelance credits behind me-the path wasn't even. I've found that there are 5 necess…

studying abroad

The second, the research budget serious shortage.Hong Kong ba marketingOur country Doctor in the high school livings pecuniary aid budget mainly come from a nation next stir of scholarship budget(mainly the way of common scholarship), ther…