

系統需更加“智能” 系統的“智能”意味著中央控制服務器是智能的。除了收集相應的環境數據(包括智能家居設備數據和室內環境參數,如溫度、濕度、光線和時間)和記錄用戶的操作行為外,中央控制服務器還需要對用戶的行為進行建模。設計了一組模型來預測用戶的行為…


雇主尋“人”心切,家政人員也急著上崗。這本來是“一拍即合”的事情,可為何市民總是發出“好保姆難找”的感歎Sunlight employment agency就應運而生了。陽光女傭培訓中心專注於培養專業的服務女傭,並且在近些年的發展中,規模越來越大,深受雇主的喜愛? “隨著人…

on science and technology

meters gienze zhongeiw caie meters gienze zhongeiw caie College student Miao Linzhi visited the Shanghai World Expo site in early August. His target was clear: as a computer science major, he headed directly to the Corporate Pavilions, inc…

spare time

According to the survey, more than half of the respondents have participated in public service activities in their leisure time. For example, they have carried garbage bags with themselves during outdoor activities or sightseeing tours, th…